
Filmmaking involves a number of discrete stages including an initial story, idea, or commission, through screenwriting, casting, shooting, sound recording and reproduction, editing and screening the finished product before an audience that may result in a film release and exhibition. Analyse the historical and theoritical foundation of Filmmaking,casting the people according to the voice and […]

Combination of Wind power along with Solar Energy, New concept of generating Wind Energy, Assembling Wind turbines and calculating the Energy Generated. Understanding Hybrid Vehicles 4 main types. Draw and explain the architecture of solar wind hybrid power system.Which Hybrid System is the component of the wind solar?8 stages of stem learning-Problem identification,exploration,ideatethe anlysis of […]

Traffic police,Task Force, Detective police, Crime branch, Cyber Crimes, SHE teams and Services: FIR, Crime investigation, Jammer, security camera surveillance, Theft recovery, Friendly policing concept. Make a mock FIR, What are the rules of Traffiic Police,Make few sign boards of the road, Role play of theif and police- crack the code to find the culprit […]

Studio visit, interacting with sound engineer, radio jacky, dubbing and editing process, sound frquency, radio signal control system, involving students speaking in radio.. How does radio help students in learning process?Children living in remote area has less access to media they depend on Radio for learning. Mass communication – Media.

Learning the application of Aerodynamics , Laws of aerodynamics ,STEM Activities-Age KG – Class 3- Paper Airplane, Paper rocket with mechanism to fly Class 5 – 12 Make a sailboat using small logs and cloth , ocketDesign and launch Bottle rocket.Build an Archimedes Screw.Balloon Rocket orking mechanism of drones and Helicopter.

Rural Livelihood, Housing Structures, Natural dying, Vermicompost. National rural livelihood , Self Empoyment – Plan activities based on the resources and capabilities of Rural people Learn to make a livelihood frame work – Make a household framework Activity .

Cattle Farm, Pasteurization of Milk, Making process of IceCream, Ghee, Butter, Flavored Milk, Packaging Process. (IceCream & FLavored Milk will be served) Ways dairy farmers practice sustainability. ,How are the animal health issues,proper hygiene around sheds,waste disposal and disease control. Activities – Make a flow chart on dairy farming, How are dairy products prepared.Suggest ways […]

Earning and practsing culinary skills -Knife skills, Vegetable sanitation,Kneading and dough, Mastering five mother sauces,Making a perfect stock,Staying Safe in Kitchen,Meat Poultry and Fish.Activities Plan a meal with starters , beverages , main course and desert for Birthday Pary. Understanding skills in hotel management-Accounting and Budgetting, Daily Operations, Bussiness Performance,Feilding customer complaints and inquiries, Health […]

End-End process of Organic Cultivation, multiple varieties of vegetable farming, Adv. Irrigation System, Cattle Farm, Waste Segragation, Vermicompost. Learning ways of Crop Rotation, How to prepare green manure and compost, biological pest control and mechanical Cultivation. Principles in organic farming- Health , fairness, ecology and Care.Hands on activity – Use old bottle cut outs and […]