
Purpose of Weather Station ? What do Mateorological Scientists do ? What is meant by Weather Forecasting ? Why to forecast ? Learn about the various Weather instruments used in weather forecasting. Analysing the warnings related to cyclones or tsunamis and others. Importance of Radar. l weather stations have the following instruments: Thermometer for measuring […]

What are maps? How GIS is useful in maps? Surveying systems like GPS,Laser scanners, digital sensors ,satellite imageries and others. Importance of Remote sensing topography and survey’s. Usages of layouts and scaling in survey mapping. Major subjects in Surveying -Mathermativcs (Geometry and Trignometry)Physics, engineering and law.Equipments used-: theodolite, measuring tape, total station, 3D scanners, GPS/GNSS, […]

Learn about the different types of cars/cycles/Bikes/Scooters/Bus. Models of cars over the past history and the fun exciting artistic creation of cars. What is fuel ? How are the vehicles pollution checked.Benefits of electric vehicles , how is fuel car different from electric. Gudelines followed by heavy vehicles during tranportation of goods.

What is Rain Water Harvesting ? Why is it needed ? How is it done ? Look around and understanding architecture behind various models of Harvesting Rainwater. Know the Requirements of water for an Individual/ House and a city. Water sources available to our city. Also Interactive education about water harvesting through VR and animation […]

Stages of chocolate making process.What can students do on world chocolate day,Benefits of dark chocolate – calculating the total calorie in making a dark chocolate

Growing of various oil seed crops like castor, sunflower, safflower, sesame. Extraction process of oil from oil seeds, Importance & Applications of oil and how they are beneficial to the body and skin. Field tour and museum tour. What is cold pressed oil, Benefit of raw oil in contrast to refined oil, Health hazards and […]

Safety Rules for Students. Guessing the Vehicles. Explaination about lane Driving, Importance of road signs, traffic lights, traffic rules & helmets. Top 10 points to Cycling. Cycling activity. Balancing two wheelers. Explanations on breaks, gears and accelerator. Road safety games and quiz sessions.Safety Riding Theory & Riding Trainer Activity. Group Activity- Student can design an […]

What are Millets ? Know various types of millets. Importance of Millets & its Nutritious values. Cultivation process and Harvesting. Dehusking process of millets. Different foods that can be prepared using millets. Millet Nutrition facts and Health Benefits . New Recipies of Millets Millets calorie count in variety of millets

Importance of nutrition, meal plate, different types of nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals yielding foods. What is Malnutrition ? Impacts of Malnutrition. Ideal Nutrition for Sports person. Interaction with Scientists. Necessity of a healthy breakfast. Make a balanced plate for School child -divide carbohydrates , proteins and Vitamins and Minerals Make a food […]

Method in making of biscuits , Ingredients used in making biscuits Science-,What is the nutrient value in biscuits maths – calculate the nutient value Engineer – design a machinery in making of biscuits ACTIVITY PROJECT- RECIPIE-INGREDIENTS-WEIGHT-MIX-KNEAD – ROLL-SHAPE BISCUITS-SHAPE THE BISCUITS-PACKING -STORAGE