
How Herbal Soaps differ from Normal ? RawMaterials. Process of Soap Making. Flavours. what is the difference between a regular soap to a herbal soap – list the required in making a regular soap and herbal soap. Understand the difference in pricing of a regular soap to a herbal soap.

Identifying Usables out of Scrap. Designing. Sculpturing. Giving a Shape. Engineering from Nuts & bolts. learning the basics of sculturing and practcing hands on with the artist.

Hens, Types/Breeds, Life span, Eggs, Incubators, Chicks, Health benefits How can you improve the feed for the better yeild of eggs and broiler .Ways to provide safety and hygenic envitonment for birds.

Water, Composition, Testing, Lab Analysis, Parameters, Importance, Causes/Prevention. Ways to Prevent Water Pollution- Make a campaign and spread awareness Pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can. Blow or sweep fertilizer back onto the grass if it gets onto paved areas. … Mulch or compost grass or yard waste. … Wash your […]

Soil, Composition, Types, Testing, Lab Analysis, Parameters, Importance, Causes/Prevention. Various Causes of Land Pollution Deforestation and Soil Erosion. Deforestation carried out to create drylands is one of the major concerns. … Agricultural Activities. … Mining Activities. … Overcrowded Landfills. … Industrialization. … Urbanization. … Construction Activities. … Nuclear Waste. Project – ways to improve soil […]

Star Gazing, Astronomy, Planetory Atmospheres, Near Earth Asteroids. Making of telescope,Activities like stargazing training programs, observing astronomical transients, working with celestial images will enhance their knowledge and add to their sense of human connection with space.

Heritage organic paintings from Indian History -still practised.Techinique of making the maintings using naturall colour dyes-Learning the complete procedure from the material to the paints .How the paintings represrents aesthitically using the story and pictorial repsentation.What colour used in background and boadering the paintings .Procedure of cheriyal paintings.

Resources, Consumption, Depletion of Resources, Need for Reduce/Reuse/Recycle, Recycling Waste to paper. What are the byproducts manufacture using recyled items. Ways to reuse materials from the surroundings into usable form. Ways to reduce wastage. Learning the method to crush and recyle paper.Make a campaign to spread awareness about the 3R”S.

What is Pollution? What causes Pollution ? What are the sources ? Analysis of sample from air,water and soil. Analysing the data and the effective ways to improve the environment. POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD – responsibility of implementing a series of Environmental Acts and Rules:[2] Water Act Air Act Environment Protection Act Hazardous Waste Rules Bio […]

Importance and development of women entrepreneurship in formal and informal sectors. How Women are leading in the present generation. Visiting an industry owned and run completely by women.Training and skill development programs for women. Benefits of Women empowerment to society Vocational and skill building centres. How is the knowledge of empowerment spread at various levels.Schemes […]