
Waste material Handling and process of convertion to Paper, Applications, Color Extraction process. Process of hand made paper and drying techniques Understandind sterdity of paper,Making a paer meche using old news paper Benefits of Hand paper activity – children can make handpaper bag and take home Hand paper greetings , hand paper envelops.

Sound Frequency, Clarity, Dubbing Audio Recording Video recording Digital Dubbing Audio Editing and mixing Voice over Recording Dubbing, mixing, or re-recording is a post-production process used in filmmaking and video production, often in concert with sound design, in which additional or supplementary recordings are lip-synced and “mixed” with original production sound to create the finished […]

Learn about fabrics and making of different type of textiles using machinery fabrics, raw materials used, understand the process of making. Sources to get the raw materials , what is loom -Different types of looms for variety of Fabrics – working mechanism of loom. Children design a pattern to create their own print.what is the […]

Learn about fabrics, Raw Materials, Dyeing and making of hand woven fabrics, Weaving. How does weaving happens in handloom industry- steps Raw material selection Raw material to yarn conversion Dyeing of yarns Bobbin winding and warping Sizing of warp yarns Dressing and winding of warp yarns Attaching Warp Yarns on Loom Weft yarn winding Weaving […]

Minerals, Its Composition & Importance, Chemical properties, Hydrology, Sesimology & Events of Earthqukes.. Process that cause earth quake, Rebound theory,Different types of faults,Methods used to check the magnitude and intensity of earth quake . Patterns of earth quake ,foreshocks and after shocks. how to measure the spatial distribution after eartquake.What materials present inside the earth,Earth […]

Session explaining about Siriculture farming Silk warm farm area Thread extracting process Garden visit.. Learning 3 primary steps of Seiculture-moriculture, silk rearing and silk extraction. Career opotunities in government research silk worm rearing of 4 types-Mulberry, Eri, Muga AND Tasar.Importance of silk IndustryLearning thew economic importance of silk worm-manufacture of fishing fibres, parachutes, cartridge bags,insulation […]

Visit horticulture farm organic Vegetable and farm, poly house cultivation, temperature control system and organic produce store. Make a creative plan for planting trees,How to make an terrarium,How does water travel in a leaf, Activities and experiments to explore Phitosynthesis.What trees produce more oxygen.Geranium Photosynthesis Experiment.How does leaf breathe,Foods you can regrow plants from Kitchen […]

What makes everyone different? The composition of Genetics & DNA and their differences. Importance of genetics. Genetic diagnostic technologies. Genetical Diseases. What is Mutation ?Genetic Evolution – causes of genetic evolution.Genetic Engineering and its application Gene coding help stiudents understand – growth hoormone, skin , hair growth, obesity and addiction .Learning practical application of genetics […]

TV station visit, Green Mat Studio, the News Input Department, Live Telecasting, Editing, Ad Management, different kinds of electronic broadcasts are gathered and will get an opportunity to interact with a professional Journalist. What are the contents of the TV Studio,how are the different persons divided among the work places- 1. Studio floor. 2 Production […]

What is AirPollution ? Causes ? How do we determine ? Lab analysis of Air Quality Index. Measures to be taken for reducing Pollution. steps to measure air pollution-drawing sample into analyser ,determining concentration of the pollutant in air.The most common measurement used in air quality- PM 2.5 AND PM 10. measures concentration of microscopic […]